Ø7Ø Club Three Day Weekend (TDW) Contest



To work as many stations as possible using PSK31 mode during the Three Day Weekent

This event is open to all amateur radio operators licensed to operate on the HF bands.



Entry Categories:

QRP (max power 5 watts output)

Low Power (max power 25 watts output)

Medium Power (max power 50 watts output)

High Power (max power 100 watts output)


First Weekend ending in June (See Contest Calendar for actual dates)



0000 UTC Friday - 2359 UTC Sunday



Members send 070 Club Number.

Non-members send 0000 in place of a 070 Club number.

Receiving stations can infer member number 0000 if another station does not transmit an 070 club member number.

Recommend CQ:  CQ 070 TDW de K9DWR K



160 thru 6 meters, no WARC bands. Work each station once/band.

All contacts must be 2-way PSK31.

No repeater, cross-mode or cross-band contacts allowed.



Use no more than the stated maximum for your entry category. Please keep your power output set to a reasonable level to avoid QRMing others. Use the MINIMUM power necessary to make the contact at all times!



QSO points - Each contact counts one (1) QSO point, dupes count (0) points.

Multipliers - Multipliers are the number of unique 070 club numbers worked (including 0000), counted once (not per band).

Final Score = (Total QSO Points) x (Total Different 070 numbers) + (Total Bonus Points) = Final Score.

Bonus Stations:

Each contact with a bonus station counts as one hundred (100) bonus points. You can work each Bonus Station once per band, but please don't ask them to QSY to another band for you. Bonus Stations will try to work as many bands as their equipment and propagation allows to give everyone a chance for extra points, but remember that they are in the contest, too. There is no guarantee that all Bonus Stations will be active on all bands.

The complete list of 2024 Bonus Stations.

Call 070# Name QTH State Grid
AB8YZ 2844 JoAnn Dallas TX EM12
KC3FL 2566 John Inverness FL EL88
KC3VPB 2972 Caleb Chambersburg PA FM19
KZ3T 1065 Dan Lenoir NC EM95
N0NM 834 Ray Hill City KS EM09
VA3TPS 526 Steve Fenelon Falls ON FN04
WA5AMM 2827 Buz Easley SC EM84
VA7GEM 1470 Barry N. Vancouver BC CN89



Place certificates will be sent for each category. Highest Ø7Ø Club member score gets Top Dawg and a Rollo Dog Tag!

All Ø7Ø Club member entries received will automatically qualify for an endorsement sticker.


Logfile format: ADIF (why adif?). Please submit logs via the TDW Uploader. (will be activated when contest starts).

All entries must be received by One (1) week after the TDW Contest.

Entries with excessive dupes will be listed as check logs. All entries are subject to verification.


The 070 Club reserves the right to disqualify entries deemed not in accordance with the above rules or are contrary to the spirit of this event.


If you have questions, please contact our contest support staff: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.