LONP Notice!
The endorsement checker for LONP is broken. It will not recognize any contact with a member number greater than 2786. The checker also is not updating the lonp data files with any new log submissions.
Manual intervention was required, and, we are proud to announce that all logs submitted after 1 July 2020 have been researcehed for LONP data, and the historical files have been updated to reflect the contacts LONP members made from 1 July 2020 to 9 Feb 2021. If you submitted a log prior to 1 July and have NOT submitted a log since then, then please resubmit your log so that the data files can be brought up to date. When the new software that is being developed is completed, tested, and deployed to the website, LONP operations will return to normal.
You will notice that the Members of LONP page has been updated to include all the new members, and, the new totals for everyone. The LONP Honor Roll has also been updated accordingly.
Plans are in the works for processing contacts greater than 2786, and because it will be manually done, the steps being put in place MUST be followed to the letter! These specific rules will be published soon.